Nature on the Balance Sheet
Martin Stuchtey is the founder and CEO of The Landbanking Group.
Programming Our Values into Our Money
Kevin Owocki is a founder of Gitcoin and Green Pill.
Post-Capitalist Economics in the Polycrisis
Evan Steiner focuses on resource mobilization at One Project.
Climate Action at City Scale
Martin is the founder and Executive Director of Open Earth Foundation.
Moving Assets into Steward Ownership
Derek Razo is co-founder of Purpose Foundation and Managing Director of Common Trust.
Incentives for Forests and Land Use
Tara O'Shea is Senior Director of Forests & Land Use at Planet Labs.
Generational Leadership in the Polycrisis
Oren Slozberg is the Executive Director of Commonweal.
Collective Action to Save the Planet
Justin Winters is the co-founder and Executive Director of One Earth.
Funding for Mental Health Therapeutics
Tim Ferriss is an author, investor, and founder of Saisei Foundation.
A Relationship-Based Economy
Nina Simons is the co-founder and Chief Relationship Officer of Bioneers.