Season 1 Trailer: The Regeneration Will Be Funded

The Regeneration Will Be Funded is an interview series exploring the intersections of regenerative finance, technology, and our living planet. Hosted by Matthew Monahan and published by Ma Earth.

Season 1 was recorded at ETHDenver, Web3 NZ, Bioneers, SF Climate Week, Eco-Weaving, and ReFi Summit in March through May 2023.

The name “The Regeneration Will Be Funded” is a nod to “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” by Gil Scott-Heron.

Season 1 Credits: Royster Productions, Torus Matrix, Yael Marantz, Hans Valor, Billy Lewis, Rohne, Biome Trust, Mangaroa Farms, Matthew Monahan. Thank you to all of our interview guests, location hosts, and other supporters.


Retrospective Funding Using Hypercerts