We Need an Army of Weedos
Geoff Reid is a filmmaker and restoration advocate in Aotearoa New Zealand. In conversation with Matthew Monahan.
Geoff’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/geoffreidnz/
One for Nature: https://onefornature.org/
00:00 Introduction
05:51 The impact of invasive species
07:34 Invasive plants
09:40 The ethics of species preservation
13:29 Invasive species as biological pollution
18:45 Projects Geoff has worked on
24:59 Mud farming
26:59 Forest collapse
28:37 Unsustainable development
30:45 Dumping dead calves
32:08 The Tīmata Method
44:06 Reputational conflict and damage
48:37 Funding for the work
53:25 Vision and leadership
55:26 Conclusion
Permadynamics: https://www.permadynamics.co.nz/
Von Wong: https://www.instagram.com/vonwong/
The Tīmata Method: https://ourlandandwater.nz/news/the-timata-method-for-low-cost-native-forest/